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Covid-19 Service Updates from BML

Updated:   4/7/22

Brighton Memorial Library is open Monday through Thursday from 9 AM - 8 PM, Fridays 9 AM - 6 PM. We are also open on Saturdays & Sundays from 12 PM - 4 PM.

Entering the Library and Curbside Pickup
Masks are no longer required at Brighton Memorial Library, but they are strongly encouraged. If you would like to wear a mask while in the library but don't have one, they are available at the Information Desk.

Curbside pickup service is still available in our foyer. To order items, call the library at 784-5300 during our open hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 AM - 8 PM, Fridays 9 AM - 6 PM, on weekends 12 PM - 4 PM.

Computer Access

We have computers available for teens and adults.

Our copier, scanner, fax machine service is available. Patrons can print from their wireless devices from home and from library computers. Printed items can be picked up from the station or from the Circulation Desk.

The Discovery Room is now open in a limited capacity. The hours are 9 AM -7 PM Monday- Thursday, Friday 9 AM - 6 PM, and weekends 12 PM - 4 PM.

Tutoring rooms for two people can be reserved up to four weeks in advance.  Rooms are available to individuals if not being currently used by pairs. Individuals cannot reserve the rooms in advance. 

Item Donations: If you have smaller donations, they can be brought in to our circulation desk at any time (except within 30 minutes of the library closing). If you wish to donate more than 5 boxes/bags at one time, please schedule an appointment with The Friends of BML by calling 442-9731 and leave a message. 

The Friends Bookstore is now open. Everything is priced under $5.


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